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Arm Lift in Tampa, FL

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What is Arm Lift Surgery?

As a natural part of aging or from losing a significant amount of weight, you may experience excess, loose skin. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, we offer arm lift surgery for patients who have difficulty toning and tightening their arms with diet and exercise. Also known as a brachioplasty, an arm lift removes excess skin from the elbow to the upper arm and tightens the remaining tissue. Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang is experienced at performing skin tightening and fat removal procedures. If you want to learn more about brachioplasty, please call us and schedule a consultation at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery.

What are the benefits of an arm lift?

Sagging skin on the upper arms can be a source of embarrassment for many people. Not only is this a cosmetic concern, but excess skin also causes hygiene issues and makes it difficult to find clothing that fits properly. An arm lift reshapes the arms and helps you feel more confident and comfortable in your appearance. Patients often choose to work with Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery because we use the latest technology and surgical techniques to create great results and minimize the appearance of scars.

Is An Arm Lift Right For You?

An upper arm lift uses innovative techniques to slim and excise excess skin. If you feel self-conscious about excess skin on your arms, and you prefer them to look trim and contoured, you are a great candidate for an arm lift. Before undergoing surgery, you should be in good health and near a stable weight. One of the most common symptoms for arm lift candidates includes hanging skin on the upper arms. During your consultation, Dr. Mang will assess your condition and develop a detailed treatment plan that aligns with your goals.

How does an arm lift work?

We will perform your procedure in one of our private, AAAHC-accredited operating rooms. Depending on your needs, we can combine an arm lift with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck, mommy makeover, or thigh lift. If we combine multiple procedures, you may require an inpatient stay for additional monitoring. Usually, an arm lift is done with general anesthesia and takes a few hours to complete. We begin your procedure by excising the excess skin from your elbow to the underarm. As we make the incision, we will try and conceal it as much as we can; however, you will have a visible scar. In some cases, patients may also need liposuction to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat. If needed, we will perform liposuction before tightening the remaining skin. After the skin is pulled tight, Dr. Mang places the sutures. You will need to care for the incisions by keeping them sanitized, covered, and wrapped with compression garments.

What can I Expect after?

Typically, you need about two weeks of recovery time. The most important thing is to rest with lots of arm elevation. You use your arms for more than you think so you should ease your way back into normal activities. Ten days after surgery, we will remove the sutures at a follow-up appointment. Until you receive permission from Dr. Mang, you will need to wear compression garments. For at least a month, patients should avoid all strenuous activity. However, to help with healing, you will need to incorporate short walks into your routine. If you experience excessive swelling, uncontrolled bleeding, fluid retention, infection, numbness in the hands or arms, or heavy scarring, please contact Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery for assistance.

Arm Lift FAQ

Can I combine an arm lift with other surgeries?
It is common for patients who want an arm lift to create a custom treatment plan with another surgery. This is sometimes referred to as an upper-body lift and may combine liposuction, a breast lift, or tummy tuck. Arm lift surgery is also frequently done as part of an after weight loss surgery for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and need contouring throughout their body. During your consultation with Dr. Mang, other surgeries can be discussed — so your custom treatment plan matches all your needs and goals.

Will there be scars after an arm lift procedure?
A surgical arm lift needs incisions to excise loose skin, which means there will be scars from sutures. However, Dr. Mang will make every effort to use small, thin incisions that are placed in less visible areas. Following your arm lift, creams that help with healing will be recommended, along with other tips for minimizing scarring. Dr. Mang also suggests limiting UV exposure during the first year to protect the scar from becoming discolored. Most patients consider the overall benefits of a more toned arm are worth the minimal scars created.

What results can I expect from an arm lift?
A surgical arm lift is used to remove hanging skin and small amounts of fat. You should follow a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise to avoid a dramatic weight loss or gain, which might affect your surgical results. Once you are recovered and Dr. Mang has given permission, you should begin weight training. This is a good way to improve the shape of your arms by toning and strengthening the muscles.

What should I expect during the initial consultation for an arm lift?
During your initial consultation with Dr. Mang, he will evaluate your arms, discuss your aesthetic goals, and review your medical history. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and understand the procedure's specifics. He will also explain the expected outcome, helping you set realistic expectations for your arm lift.

How do I know if I'm a good candidate for an arm lift?
Ideal candidates for an arm lift are those with excess skin and fat in the upper arms, typically due to weight loss or aging. Good candidates should also be in overall good health, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations about the outcome. It's important to discuss your health and goals with Dr. Mang to determine your suitability for the procedure.

Is there a non-surgical alternative to an arm lift?
For those seeking less invasive options, non-surgical treatments like laser skin tightening or CoolSculpting® might be considered. These alternatives can offer modest improvements in arm contour, but they are generally less effective than a surgical arm lift for removing significant excess skin. Dr. Mang and his team can provide guidance on the best approach for your specific needs.

Get Back Your Shape

Weight loss and aging can cause droopy skin underneath the arms. To combat this issue, Dr. Mang is proud to offer arm lift surgery, which can help improve your confidence. During your consultation, we will create a treatment plan that aligns with your cosmetic needs. To help you get the results you want, we accept several payment options. Instead of selecting a doctor based on cost, our payment plans can help you choose an experienced doctor, like Dr. Mang. We will also provide information on low-interest financing. If you are close to a healthy weight but still have issues getting rid of excess skin or stubborn fat, please call to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Mang at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Tampa, FL. Look and feel better with arm lift surgery.

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