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Breast Reduction in Tampa, FL

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What is Breast Reduction?

Large breasts can create social, functional, and physical concerns for women. Additionally, extremely large breasts can cause physical pain, insecurity, and embarrassment. With breast reduction surgery, Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang has helped countless women live more comfortably and enjoy active lifestyles. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, we will remove excess fat, tissue, and skin to redefine and reshape the breasts to a more comfortable size. During your surgery, Dr. Mang will resize the nipples/areolas and reposition them so they appear more proportionate with your new breasts. In most cases, we also perform a breast lift to produce a tighter and more youthful appearance.

What are the benefits of BREAST REDUCTION?

While some individuals might seek ways to increase the size of their breasts, for some, overly large breasts sometimes negatively affect their daily habits and self-image. A breast reduction surgery in Tampa, FL at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery yields a wide variety of benefits to renew your look and enhance your quality of life, like:

  • Lowering the volume and weight of the breasts
  • Eleates and shapes the breasts
  • Resizes the nipples
  • Improves mobility and activity
  • Makes working out and physical activities simpler
  • Removes spinal pressure
  • Opens up your clothing options
  • Enhances body proportions
  • Corrects posture
  • Helps you get better sleep
  • Helps with skin chafing
  • Boosts confidence and self-image

Who is a Candidate for breast reduction?

If you suffer from heavy and overly large breasts that prevent you from living comfortably, breast reduction surgery can help you attain your desired figure. This procedure works well for women who experience emotional stress or find it difficult to live an active life because of their breast size. If you also have chronic skin conditions or neck pain, breast reduction can address these symptoms. Before undergoing this surgery, patients need to be at a stable weight. We also highly recommend choosing an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Mang. With years of experience, Dr. Mang will create a personalized surgical plan that addresses your cosmetic concerns and provides beautiful results.

What to Expect During BREAST REDUCTION

Breast reduction surgery is an outpatient treatment and is performed using general anesthesia. The duration of your surgery depends on various factors, including the incision type, reduction technique, and the amount of excess tissue. If we reposition your areola and nipple, that will also increase the time of your surgery. Typically, patients also need liposuction to decrease fat and reduce breast size. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Mang will address all of these factors. He will also discuss scarring because it commonly occurs after breast reduction surgery. However, advanced techniques have led to a significant decrease in the visibility of scarring. Based on the complexity of the reduction, we will use either an anchor or a straight line (vertical) incision. Next, the excess breast tissue is removed, and the remaining skin and tissue are pulled and lifted.

How Long is Recovery After BREAST REDUCTION?

After surgery, we will closely monitor you and then send you home to recover. You will have a draining tube near the treatment site to reduce bleeding. At first, patients will need to wear a compression sports bra to increase blood circulation to the breasts. Within about a month, the breasts will settle and the post-surgery side effects will subside. The majority of our patients at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery say they feel lighter, relieved, and more self-confident. After breast reduction surgery, you can enjoy the clothes you could not wear before and feel confident in your new figure. Please keep in mind that you will need to maintain a healthy weight so your results do not change.

Learn More

Dr. Mang has helped many women live a better quality of life with cosmetic breast reduction. During your first visit to Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Mang will discuss all of your treatment options and develop a custom surgical plan. He can also discuss the costs of breast reduction surgery and payment options. If you experience uncomfortable symptoms caused by large breasts, please call our practice in Tampa, FL to learn more about this life-changing procedure.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.